G2 Harpers Blog

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation

The Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation (SMGF) is a new organization dedicated to getting everybody's DNA analyzed. It's free--evidently Mr. Sorenson is a billionaire whose willing to fund the project, so there's no reason not to participate*. To get started, visit the SMGF webside.

*There may be one reason some may not want to pariticipate. The SMGF has a connection to the Mormons (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.) The Mormons are deeply involved in genealogy for theological reasons having to do with baptizing everyone who lived before the revelations to Mormon prophet Joseph Smith in the mid 1800s. It is likely that any genealogical data gathered by the SMGF will be given to the Mormons for the purposes of baptism, which may offend or put off some potential participants. I am an ordained Episcopal priest and I have no objection to the Mormons using any data they gather on me or my ancestors for their religious purposes. My willingness to participate in a program that I consider to be beneficial in no way endorses or supports their religious beliefs, nor do I think it effects my salvation or that of my ancestors. I see no harm in participating in the SMGF program whatsoever.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

New Prospect for G2 Harpers

Mike Harper, moderator of the Harper surname DNA project, has informed us that we have another potential G2 Harper: John Bryan Harper from Florida. I have emailed him inviting him to investigate possible relationships with one of our lines. I'll keep you informed as to his response.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Links From Our Blog

I have put some links to two of my web site in the "Links" column on the right. If you have other links you'd like to put up, let me know. Or if you object to my putting up the links to my "Glynn" stuff, let me know and I'll take them down.

Monday, June 12, 2006

DNA workshop upends notion of race for many

Click on this link for an interesting article.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Announcing the G2 Harpers Blog

I have been adding data to the G2 Harpers web site regularly and have set up this blog to be used as a utility for notifying you automatically whenever the G2 Harpers web site in updated. Automatic notification will keep me from having to send each of you an email whenever I make changes.

By using the blog, you will be able to set up a Yahoo alert that will notify you by email whenever G2Harpers.org changes. All you have to do is click on the "+ Yahoo" button under "Links" in the right hand column and follow the instructions for being alerted by email. Note that there are also links to our web site and to Ancestors.com.

In addition, each of you will be invited to become members of this blog and will be able to post new data yourselves about G2, Harpers, DNA, and any other information you think will be of interest to the group. Posting to blogs is easy and you can learn more by logging onto Blogger.com.

You may even want to set up a blog or two for yourselves. I have two: one at Christ Church, San Augustine, where I post my weekly sermons and the Bible lessons for the week, and another at Glynns Book Reviews where I publish periodic book reviews--mostly books from small presses.